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fiche de jeu publiée le mercredi 11 novembre 2020, par
photographies non contractuelles. les figurines sont vendues non peintes et non assemblées.
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Towering high above the battlefield, scouts use these lookout posts to see for miles around, lighting beacons to warn their fellow citizens of approaching danger. Defensively built, these towers can even form a last bastion for when the fighting reaches their doors.
– 1 Watchtower : 3 Tower Wall Panels, 2 Lookout Wall Panels, 2 Tower Floor Tiles,
1 Lookout Floor Tile, 1 Roof, 1 Roof Clip, 4 Lookout Struts, 1 Balcony, 5 Balcony Supports, 2 Railings
– 1 Beacon : 4 Beacon Supports, 1 Beacon Roof
– 1 Staircase
– 2 Ladders
– 2 Weapon Racks
– 1 Table
– 31 Assorted Scatter Components and Accessories
– 20 Grey Plastic Clips