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fiche de jeu publiée le mardi 20 janvier 2015, par
photographies non contractuelles. en cas de doute sur les caractéristiques exactes, téléphonez-nous ;)
1400+ pièces et 65 bâtiments détaillés
Journey through Westeros and rebuild the kingdoms !
From the Narrow Sea to beyond the Wall, the Seven Kingdoms are waiting for your arrival. Should your heart be steady and your mind sharp, this puzzle will take you on a journey unlike any other. As your kingdoms unfold and you unite the Realm, the stretching Westerosi landscapes will be revealed, ancient 3D castles will climb skyward and the complex Westeros world will be born.
Inspired by the hit HBO series, this puzzle brings the world of Westeros to life. With three layers of over 2,000 pieces building upon one another, prepare to recreate Westeros in beautiful and astonishingly accurate detail.