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fiche de jeu publiée le samedi 10 août 2024, par
photographies non contractuelles. en cas de doute sur les caractéristiques exactes, téléphonez-nous ;)
Each of them come in a bag with A4 sheets of cardstock. You have to cut out the 200 cards to create the game. The rules take up half a single sheet of the cardstock.
Before beginning, shuffle the cards and then choose the size of the deck used in the game. All 200 cards would make for a very long game and is not recommended. The shortest variant is simply to use the initial six cards dealt you and no more. They also give estimated playing times for 50 and 100 cards.
Game play is reminiscent of Once Upon a Time. There are no "Happy Ever After" cards, however : you choose a card from your initial hand to be your ending card. The cards have phrases or single words on them, largely relevant to the individual genre. On your turn, you play a single card, weave it into the story, and then draw a card from the draw pile. Play then passes to the next player, who does the same. Players may boo and heckle your input, in which case you have to do it over. This game is definitely concerned more with the quality of story than competition.