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fiche de jeu publiée le samedi 18 mai 2024, par
photographies non contractuelles. en cas de doute sur les caractéristiques exactes, téléphonez-nous ;)
Cold winds and harsh climates can be just as deadly as swords and spells.
Nature’s Fury contains two complete d20 adventure scenarios, each featuring an icy challenge for a party of four characters. These adventures are designed to fit easily into an ongoing campaign, and wherever possible the Game Master is given options on modifying and replacing parts of the background with elements of his or her own game world. Nature’s Fury contains full color cardstock counters fully compatible with the d20 system and each creature’s size and facing stats.
Swords Through the Ice Gates by Mike Mearls. An adventure for four 6th-level characters. The hamlet of Owen’s Point sits quietly under three inches of snow. The air has a sharp cold in it, the kind that penetrates even the thickest of furs like frozen daggers driven by the howling winds. If today were early winter, those of Owen’s Point would just shake their heads and comment that winters are nothing like they used to be, back in the day. Yet today is but a week past midsummer, and the people of Owen’s Point are no longer around to comment on the weather.