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fiche de jeu publiée le samedi 18 mai 2024, par
photographies non contractuelles. en cas de doute sur les caractéristiques exactes, téléphonez-nous ;)
The perfect companion to Monte Cook’s Arcana Unearthed rulebook for players and DMs ! This is more than just a game aid featuring cool artwork and lots of charts — the 32-page supplement inside offers character sheets and conversion information to help you use Arcana Unearthed with standard d20 System products.
This accessory contains a three-paneled horizontal screen with stunning artwork plus all the charts a DM needs to run the game. A separate double-sized reference card features player charts.
The enclosed 32-page book offers :
11 illustrated character sheets — one for each Arcana Unearthed new class ;
Conversion guidelines for importing 3rd Edition and 3.5 Edition classes, spells, and other rules into this compatible system ; and
Lots of character concepts and archetypes to get you started creating PCs and NPCs !