ATTENTION ! Ceci est une extension pour STAR WARS ARMADA BASE VF !
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fiche de jeu publiée le samedi 9 avril 2022, par
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Start building your Separatist Alliance fleet and launch into the battles of Star Wars : Armada with the Separatist Alliance Fleet Starter ! Featuring a Munificent-class Frigate, a Hardcell-class Transport, four Separatist Alliance starfighter squadrons, and a variety of upgrade cards, this pack has everything one player needs to create the cornerstone of the Separatist fleet and spread chaos and tyranny across the galaxy. Additionally, this pack contains all the essential components needed for one player to learn and play the game !
– 1 Painted Plastic Munificent-class Frigate Ship, 2 Painted Plastic Hardcell-class Transports and 3 Plastic Ship Bases
– 4 Plastic Vulture Droid Squadrons and 4 Squadron Disks
– 4 Activation Sliders
– 3 Red Attack Dice, 3 Blue Attack Dice, 3 Black Attack Dice
– 1 Range Ruler
– 1 Maneuver Tool
– 10 Command Dials, 8 Speed Dials
– 6 Ship Cards, 2 Squadron Cards, 2 Reference Cards, 12 Objective Cards, 20 Upgrade Cards, 52 Damage Cards
– 6 Obstacle Tokens and 4 Setup Area Markers
– 123 Other Assorted Tokens
– 1 Learn to Play Booklet