ATTENTION ! Ceci est une extension pour STAR WARS ARMADA BASE VF !
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fiche de jeu publiée le samedi 9 avril 2022, par
photographies non contractuelles. en cas de doute sur les caractéristiques exactes, téléphonez-nous ;)
This pack includes everything you need to add 1 Venator-class Star Destroyer to your games of Star Wars™ : Armada. In the vicious battles of the Clone Wars, Jedi Generals such as the courageous Luminara Unduli and the wise Plo Koon command their forces from the bridge of mighty Venator-class Star Destroyers, earning these vessels the moniker of “Jedi Cruisers.” Kuat Drive Yards designed the ship to be flexible ; capable of fighting toe-to-toe with other warships, launching wings of starfighters, and breaking blockade sieges with devastating bombardments. As a command craft and warship, the Venator-class Star Destroyer has no equal in the Republic Navy.
– 1 painted plastic ship with base and fin,
– 2 ship cards, 16 upgrade Cards,
– 16 tokens.