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fiche de jeu publiée le mardi 3 janvier 2023, par
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Confront the mega boss with this DARK SOULS™ miniature box !
Those afflicted with the Undead curse are sent to rot in a remote asylum. Most accept their lot and crumble to despair, but occasionally an inmate will try to escape. Any such attempts are short-lived, thanks to the hulking Asylum Demon. Any Unkindled taking on this colossal creature best be made of stern stuff.
Prepare to die. Unleash a rampaging demon on your next roleplaying night with the gargantuan Protector of the Asylum boss box, created for Dark Souls : The Roleplaying Game.
Inside this box is everything you need to add a brutal Asylum Demon to your campaigns, including a massive, highly-detailed mini on a whopping 75mm base. All miniatures from this range are 5e-compatible, and ready to add to any roleplaying campaign right from the box.
Do you dare challenge the Protector of the Asylum ?